IGNOU Guess Paper 2024
IGNOU Solved Guess Paper or IGNOU Notes are recommended for IGNOU students to score better in their exams. So, most of the students go online to get it. But do you know that getting them is not an easy task? Yes, it is not. IGNOU Assignment Solve represents a series of the most accurate IGNOU guess papers for TEE June 2024 in PDF format. These series are a set of previous year’s questions and highly predictable upcoming questions. We prepare all our IGNOU Guess Papers this way, which must help IGNOU students get the highest marks in all their exams because we are responsible for giving them what they deserve.
What exactly IGNOU Solved Guess Papers are?
If you are new to IGNOU and don’t know anything about guess papers, you landed at the right place. Guess papers make predictions about what sort of questions might be asked on an exam based on previous patterns. So, with the help of previous exams, these guess papers are created. These guess papers are so important because they cover 50 % to 60 % of exams. They are also more important for those who has no time to prepare for the IGNOU exam for any reason. So, if you work for a living and don’t have enough time to prepare for an exam, IGNOU Notes become more necessary for you. With the help of them, you can not only pass the exam but also get good marks.
Why choose IGNOU Assignment Solve?
- We have a particular professional team that works only to make IGNOU solved guess papers and IGNOU notes.
- Providing premium quality content in all Guess Papers.
- The accuracy of prediction is always 50 % to 60 % plus.
- Providing in PDF and hardcopy.
- We provide IGNOU guess paper for all courses/subjects
- Home delivery
- Money-back guarantee.
- 24/7 Service.
- We have more than 7 years of experience.
Bachelor Degree IGNOU Guess Paper 2023-24
BA (Honours) Bachelor of Arts with Honours | DOWNLOAD |
BCA Bachelor in Computer Application | DOWNLOAD |
BAG Bachelor of Arts (General) | DOWNLOAD |
BCOM Bachelor in Commerce | DOWNLOAD |
BA Bachelor of Arts | DOWNLOAD |
BAVTM Bachelor of Arts (Vocational Studies) Tourism Management | DOWNLOAD |
BED Bachelor in Education | DOWNLOAD |
BCOMG Bachelor of Commerce | DOWNLOAD |
BAG Bachelor of Arts Question Paper | DOWNLOAD |
BSC (Honours) Bachelor of Science (Honours) | DOWNLOAD |
BSCG Bachelor of Science (General) | DOWNLOAD |
BSCG Bachelor of Science | DOWNLOAD |
BSWG Bachelor of Social Work | DOWNLOAD |
BCA Bachelor of Computer Applications | DOWNLOAD |
B.COM Bachelor of Commerce | DOWNLOAD |
B.Ed. Bachelor of Education | DOWNLOAD |
BAEGH Bachelor of Arts (Hons) ENGLISH | DOWNLOAD |
DWED Diploma in Women’s Empowerment and Development | DOWNLOAD |
BLIS Bachelor of Library and Information Science | DOWNLOAD |
Master degree IGNOU Guess Paper 2023-24
MA Master of Arts | DOWNLOAD |
MA History | MHI | DOWNLOAD |
MA English | MEG | DOWNLOAD |
MA Philosophy | MPY | DOWNLOAD |
MA Economics | MEC | DOWNLOAD |
MA Social Work | MSW | DOWNLOAD |
MA Tourism | MTTM | DOWNLOAD |
MA Education | MAEDU | DOWNLOAD |
MA in Political Science | MPS | DOWNLOAD |
MA Sociology | MSO | MSOE | DOWNLOAD |
MAH Master of Arts (History) | DOWNLOAD |
MCA (Revised) Master of Computer Applications | DOWNLOAD |
MSO Master of Arts (Sociology) | DOWNLOAD |
M.COM Master of Commerce | DOWNLOAD |
MAPC Master of Arts (Psychology) | DOWNLOAD |
MLIS Master of Library and Information Science | DOWNLOAD |
MEC Master of Arts (Economics) | DOWNLOAD |
M.Sc. Master of Science | DOWNLOAD |
MPA Master of Arts (Public Administration) | DOWNLOAD |
MSCDFSM Master of Science (Food Nutrition) | DOWNLOAD |
MLIS Master of Library and Information Sciences | DOWNLOAD |
MSW Master of Social Work | DOWNLOAD |
MAAN Master of Arts (Anthropology) | DOWNLOAD |
MAJMC Master of Arts (Journalism and Mass Communication) | DOWNLOAD |
MTM Master of Arts (Tourism Management) | DOWNLOAD |
MAGPS Master of Arts (Gandhi and Peace Studies) | DOWNLOAD |
MARD Master of Arts (Rural Development) | DOWNLOAD |
PGCGPS Post Graduate Certificate in Gandhi and Peace Studies | DOWNLOAD |
MSCDFSM Master of Science Degree in Dietetics and Food Service Management | DOWNLOAD |
PGDAE Post Graduate Diploma in Adult Education | DOWNLOAD |
MSCCFT Master of Science (Counselling and Family Therapy) | DOWNLOAD |
PGDCA (New) Post Graduate Diploma in Computer Applications | DOWNLOAD |
MSW Master of Social Work | DOWNLOAD |
PGDDM Post Graduate Diploma in Disaster Management | DOWNLOAD |
MSWC Master of Social Work (Counselling) | DOWNLOAD |
PGDEMA Post Graduate Diploma in Educational Management and Administration | DOWNLOAD |
MADE Master of Arts (Distance Education) | DOWNLOAD |
PGDESD Post Graduate Diploma in Environment and Sustainable Development | DOWNLOAD |
MAAE Master of Arts (Adult Education) | DOWNLOAD |
IGNOU Post Graduate Certificate Guess Paper
PGCCL Post Graduate Certificate in Cyber Law | DOWNLOAD |
ACPDM Advanced Certificate in Power Distribution Management | DOWNLOAD |
PGCAE Post Graduate Certificate in Adult Education | DOWNLOAD |
PGCAP Post Graduate Certificate in Agriculture Policy | DOWNLOAD |
PGCCC Post Graduate Certificate in Climate Change | DOWNLOAD |
PGCIATIVI Post Graduate Certificate in Information and Assistive Technologies for the Instructors of Visually Impaired | DOWNLOAD |
PGCINDS Post Graduate Certificate in Industrial Safety | DOWNLOAD |
PGCPP Post Graduate Certificate in Patent Practice | DOWNLOAD |
PGCGPS Post Graduate Certificate in Gandhi and Peace Studies | DOWNLOAD |
PGCGI Post Graduate Certificate in Geoinformatics | DOWNLOAD |
PGCI PWSPost Graduate Certificate in Inventory Planning and Warehousing for Engineers | DOWNLOAD |
PGCMDM Post Graduate Certificate in Medical Management of CBRNE Disasters | DOWNLOAD |
PGCMHT Post Graduate Certificate in Malayalam-Hindi Translation | DOWNLOAD |
PGDIBO Post Graduate Diploma in International Business Operations | DOWNLOAD |
PGCBHT Post Graduate Certificate in Bangla-Hindi Translation | DOWNLOAD |
IGNOU Post Graduate Diploma Programme Guess Paper
PGDDVS POST Diploma in Development Studies | DOWNLOAD |
PGDCOUN Graduate Diploma in Counselling | DOWNLOAD |
PGDCJ Post Graduate Diploma in Criminal Justice | DOWNLOAD |
PGDDM Post Graduate Diploma in Disaster Management | DOWNLOAD |
PGDHE Post Graduation Diploma In Higher Education | DOWNLOAD |
PGDWGS/MAWGS PGD/MA Degree in Women’s and Gender Studies | DOWNLOAD |
PGDAE Post-Graduate Diploma in Adult Education | DOWNLOAD |
PGDAW Post Diploma in Animal Welfare | DOWNLOAD |
PGDIDM Post Graduate Diploma in Digital Media | DOWNLOAD |
PGDT Post Diploma in Translation | DOWNLOAD |
PGDHIVM Post Graduate Diploma in HIV Medicine | DOWNLOAD |
PGDRD Post Graduate Diploma in Rural Development | DOWNLOAD |
PGDET Post Graduate Diploma In Educational Technology | DOWNLOAD |
PGDBP Post-Graduate Diploma in Book Publishing | DOWNLOAD |
PGDFSQM PG Diploma In Food Safety And Quality Management | DOWNLOAD |
PGDAPP Post Graduate Diploma In Audio Programme Production | DOWNLOAD |
PGDIS POST Diploma in Information Security | DOWNLOAD |
PGDSS Post Graduate Diploma in Sustainability Science | DOWNLOAD |
PGDDC Post Graduate Diploma In Development Communictaion | DOWNLOAD |
PGDIPR Post Graduate Diploma In Intellectual Property Rights | DOWNLOAD |
PGDCA-(NEW) Post-graduate Diploma In Computer Applications | DOWNLOAD |
PGDPPEd Post Graduate Diploma in Pre-primary Education | DOWNLOAD |
PGDMCH Post Graduate Diploma in Maternal and Child Health | DOWNLOAD |
PGDGPS Post Graduate Diploma in Gandhi and Peace Studies | DOWNLOAD |
PGDFCS Post Graduate Diploma In Folklore And Culture Studies | DOWNLOAD |
PGDAC Post Graduate Diploma in Analytical Chemistry | DOWNLOAD |
PGDHHM Post Graduate Diploma in Hospital and Health Management | DOWNLOAD |
PGDSLM Post-Graduate Diploma in School Leadership and Management | DOWNLOAD |
PGDFMP Post Graduate Diploma in Financial Markets Practice | DOWNLOAD |
IGNOU Diploma Programme Guess Paper
DEVMT Diploma in Event Management | DOWNLOAD |
DWED Diploma in Women’s Empowerment and Development | DOWNLOAD |
DIR Diploma in Retailing | DOWNLOAD |
DCCN Diploma in Critical Care Nursing | DOWNLOAD |
DWM Diploma in Watershed Management | DOWNLOAD |
DIM Diploma in Management | DOWNLOAD |
DIPP Diploma in Paralegal Practice | DOWNLOAD |
DDT Diploma in Dairy Technology | DOWNLOAD |
DVAPFV Diploma in Value Added Products from Fruits & Vegetables | DOWNLOAD |
DAQ Diploma in Aquaculture | DOWNLOAD |
DPVE Diploma in Value Education | DOWNLOAD |
DAFE Diploma in HIV and Family Education | DOWNLOAD |
DNHE Diploma in Nutrition & Health Education | DOWNLOAD |
DTS Diploma in Tourism Studies | DOWNLOAD |
DHORT Diploma in Horticulture | DOWNLOAD |
DMOP Diploma in Modern Office Practice | DOWNLOAD |
DNA Diploma in Nursing Administration | DOWNLOAD |
DECE Diploma in Early Childhood Care and Education | DOWNLOAD |
DTG Diploma in Teaching German as a Foreign Language | DOWNLOAD |
DCE Diploma in Creative Writing in English | DOWNLOAD |
DBPOFA Diploma in Business Process Outsourcing Finance and Accounting | DOWNLOAD |
DPLAD Diploma in Panchayat Level Administration and Development | DOWNLOAD |
DTH Diploma in Theatre Arts | DOWNLOAD |
DUL Diploma Programme in Urdu | DOWNLOAD |
DTG Diploma in Teaching German as a Foreign Language | DOWNLOAD |
IGNOU Certificate Programme Guess paper
CFDE Certificate in Fashion Design | DOWNLOAD |
CTS Certificate in Tourism Studies | DOWNLOAD |
CNM Certificate in NGO Management | DOWNLOAD |
CCR Certificate Programme in Community Radio | DOWNLOAD |
CIB Certificate in Bee Keeping | DOWNLOAD |
CIT Certificate in Information Technology | DOWNLOAD |
CAHT Certificate In Anti Human Trafficking | DOWNLOAD |
CDM Certificate Programme In Disaster Management | DOWNLOAD |
CIHL Certificate In International Humanitarian Law | DOWNLOAD |
CFN Certificate in Food and Nutrition | DOWNLOAD |
CES Certificate in Environmental Studies | DOWNLOAD |
CHCWM Certificate in Health Care Waste Management | DOWNLOAD |
CPY Certificate Programme in Yoga | DOWNLOAD |
CIS Certificate in Sericulture | DOWNLOAD |
CRD Certificate in Rural Development | DOWNLOAD |
CPHA Certificate Course in Phlebotomy Assistance | DOWNLOAD |
ACISE Advanced Certificate In Information Security | DOWNLOAD |
CGDA Certificate Course in General Duty Assistance | DOWNLOAD |
COF Certificate in Organic Farming | DOWNLOAD |
CAFE/DAFE Diploma in HIV and Family Education | DOWNLOAD |
BPCCHN/CCH Certificate in Community Health for Nurses | DOWNLOAD |
CHR Certificate in Human Rights | DOWNLOAD |
CFE Certificate Programme in Functional English | DOWNLOAD |
CAHC Certificate in Adolescent Health and Counselling | DOWNLOAD |
ACPDM Advanced Certificate in Power Distribution Management | DOWNLOAD |
CIG Certificate In Guidance | DOWNLOAD |
CNCC Certificate in Nutrition and Childcare | DOWNLOAD |
CUL Certificate in Urdu Language | DOWNLOAD |
CCPD Certificate of Competency in Power Distribution | DOWNLOAD |
CLIS Certificate Programme in Library and Information Science | DOWNLOAD |